Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Dublin Day Trip 2024

Our recent day trip to Dublin City on June 24 started from the PST office at 9am where 49 widows and medical retired staff boarded our private coach.

We had a comfortable drive down to Dublin despite the wet weather, stopping at Apple-green for a break and some refreshments.

On arrival to Dublin, we disembarked our coach at The Gresham Hotel on O’Connell Street approximately 11am where we were gladly met by some beautiful sunny weather.  We had two hours to go shopping or explore the city before we regrouped for lunch at 1pm in The Gresham Hotel.  The service and meal in the hotel were excellent, it was a very enjoyable lunch.

Following lunch, we had a few hours to continue our shopping and sightseeing around Dublin.  With purses much lighter and a few extra bags to carry than on arrival, we boarded our private coach at approximately 5.30pm to depart for home. 

Many thanks to the P.S.T for their generosity and organising a wonderful trip for us all.  Looking forward to our next trip away.  Thanks again Pamela & Mary